Say bye-bye to the days of worrying about excess facial fat because we have a solution that not only nourishes your body and soul but also sculpts your face into a masterpiece. Imagine achieving a youthful, sculpted look without resorting to invasive procedures or endless hours at the gym. With face fat yoga, you’ll embark on a transformative journey that combines the power of ancient yogic techniques with targeted face slimming yoga exercises. It will bring out your inner beauty and unlock the secret to a more defined and radiant face. So, get ready to embrace a whole new level of facial fitness as we dive into the enchanting world of face-fat yoga!
9 Yoga Exercises You Should Do To Slim Your Face
1. Cheek Puff (Kapola Shakti Vardhaka)

Difficulty Level: Beginner
Benefits: This exercise targets the cheeks and helps in toning and firming the cheek muscles. By actively puffing the cheeks, it stimulates blood circulation and increases oxygen supply to the facial tissues, promoting a healthy glow. Regular practice of Cheek Puff can lead to improved cheekbone definition and a slimmer appearance on the face.
How to do it: Close up your mouth and inhale deeply through your nose. Hold your breath and puff up your cheeks by trapping the air inside. Hold the position or asana for a few minutes before softly exhaling through your lips. Repeat this face-slimming yoga exercise several times.
2. Jaw Release

Difficulty Level: Beginner
Benefits: The Jaw Release exercise focuses on the jawline and helps in reducing excess fat and sagging skin in the lower face. By gently opening and closing the mouth, it strengthens the jaw muscles and aids in achieving a more sculpted and contoured jawline.
How to do it: Sit or stand with a straight spine. Close your mouth and make a chewing motion as if you were chewing a piece of gum with your mouth closed. Feel the movement and tension in your jawline and cheek muscles as you continue the chewing motion for a few seconds. Relax and repeat several times.
3. Fish Face (Matsyasana)

Difficulty Level: Beginner
Benefits: Fish Face yoga pose involves sucking in the cheeks and lips, resembling a fish’s face. This exercise is effective in working the muscles around the lips, cheeks, and jaw. Regular practice of the Fish Face helps in toning these facial muscles and can contribute to a more defined and slimmer face.
How to do it: Close and tighten up your lips and suck your cheeks together to produce a fish or “kissing” expression. Hold this pose for a few seconds, feeling the muscles in your cheeks and lips engage. Relax and repeat several times.
4. Tongue Stretch (Khechari Mudra)

Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Benefits: Tongue Stretch involves stretching and extending the tongue inside the mouth to stimulate the throat and neck muscles. This yoga technique can help in tightening the muscles of the neck and lower face, potentially leading to a more youthful and slender appearance.
How to do it: Sit or stand with a straight spine. Stretch the tip of your tongue as far as it will go. Using the tip of your tongue, attempt to touch your chin. Maintain this position for a few minutes before relaxing.
5. Smiling Fish Face

Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Benefits: Combining the Fish Face with a smile, this exercise targets both the cheek and jaw muscles while promoting a cheerful and positive facial expression. Regular practice can aid in firming the cheeks and reducing facial bloating.
How to do it: Try to make a fish face by closing your lips and sucking in your cheeks. While holding the fish face, smile as wide as you can. Hold this pose for a few seconds, feeling the muscles in your face engage. Relax and repeat several times.
7. Jaw Clenching

Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Benefits: Jaw Clenching exercise involves tightly pressing the teeth and jaws together. This helps in working the jaw muscles and may contribute to a more chiseled jawline and reduced double chin over time.
How to do it: Sit or stand with a straight spine. Clench your jaw tightly, pressing your teeth together. Keep this pose for a few seconds, and then relax. Repeat several times.
7. Lion’s Roar (Simha Mudra)

Difficulty Level: Expert
Benefits: The Lion’s Roar pose stretches the facial muscles, particularly the throat and neck muscles. Opening the mouth, stretching wide, and sticking out the tongue, may help in reducing tension in the face. This also enhances blood flow, potentially leading to a more toned appearance.
How to do it: Position yourself in a comfortable position. Take a big breath in, breathe through your nostrils, and open your mouth wide at the same time. Take your tongue out as far as you can, open your eyes, extend your fingers wide, and make a strong “ha” sound. Hold for a few minutes before exiting the stance. Repeat as needed.
8. Chin Lift (Ganda Bherundasana)

Difficulty Level: Expert
Benefits: Chin Lift exercise targets the muscles in the neck and chin area. By lifting and stretching the neck upward, it can help in firming the jawline and reduce the appearance of a double chin.
How to do it: Stand or sit with a straight spine. Lean back and stare upward at the ceiling above you. Press your lips together and make a chewing motion for a few seconds. Relax and repeat several times.
9. Full-Face Yoga

Difficulty Level: Expert
Benefits: Full-Face Yoga comprises a series of facial exercises that target various facial muscles, including the forehead, eyes, cheeks, and neck. This comprehensive approach can lead to improved facial muscle tone, increased blood circulation, and a slimmer overall face.
How to do it: Sit or stand with a straight spine. Open your mouth wide, stretch your tongue out as far as possible, and simultaneously raise your eyebrows as high as you can. Hold your mouth for a few seconds, and then relax. Repeat several times.
Remember to start with the easier exercises and gradually progress to the more challenging ones as your facial muscles become stronger. It’s important to practice these exercises regularly and be patient and calm, as results may take time to show.
Other Day To Day Activities That Will Induce Face Fat Burn
Improving Posture
When to do it: You can practice posture-improving exercises at any time during the day.
How to do it: Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart. Roll your shoulders back, elongate your spine, and gently tuck your chin in. Visualize something hanging from the top of your head. Hold this position and pose for a few minutes while fully inhaling.
Benefits: Maintaining good posture not only benefits your spine but also contributes to a more defined jawline and neck. Proper alignment of the spine and neck muscles can prevent sagging and give the face a more lifted appearance.
Balloon Face
When to do it: The balloon face yoga can practice in the morning or before going to bed and at any other time of the day.
How to do it: Sit comfortably and take a deep breath through your nose. Puff out your cheeks and hold the air inside as if your face were a balloon. Gently tap your cheeks with your fingertips while slowly releasing the air through your mouth. Repeat this a few times.
Benefits: Blowing balloons requires strong facial muscle engagement. Inflating and deflating balloons can be an enjoyable way to exercise the facial muscles, including cheeks, lips, and jaw.

When to do it: Acupressure can be performed anytime when you need a quick energy boost or relaxation.
How to do it: Apply mild pressure on particular spots on your face using the middle finger and the index finger. Some common acupressure points include the inner corner of the eyebrows, the temples, and the jawline. Pressurize in a circular motion for a few seconds on each point.
Benefits: Stimulating certain pressure points on the face through acupressure techniques can promote blood circulation and relieve tension in the facial muscles. This can contribute to a more toned and relaxed facial appearance.
Face Tapping
When to do it: Tapping could be performed at any moment of the day to provide a rapid energy boost or to reduce anxiety.
How to do it: By using your fingertips, tap lightly on four points around your eyes: the inner corner, outer corner, under the eyebrow, and under the eye. Tap gently and rhythmically for a few seconds on each point.
Benefits: Gently tapping the face with fingertips can help stimulate blood flow and promote lymphatic drainage, which may reduce facial puffiness and improve skin elasticity.
Massaging Face

When to do it: You can massage your face in the morning or before bedtime, using a facial oil or moisturizer for better glide.
How to do it: Use little face oil on your fingertips. Use gentle upward strokes to massage your forehead, cheeks, jawline, and neck. Focus on areas with tension or stiffness. Repeat the movements for a few minutes.
Benefits: Regularly massaging the face can enhance blood circulation, reduce tension, and improve muscle tone. This can lead to a more youthful and refreshed look.
Face Slapping
When to do it: Face slapping can be done in the morning as a wake-up exercise or whenever you need to invigorate your face.
How to do it: Using an open palm, gently and rhythmically slap your face in an upward motion. Begin with the chin and proceed to work upward to the cheeks, forehead, and neck. Repeat the slapping motion for a minute or two.
Benefits: While it may sound unconventional, some proponents suggest that gentle face slapping can stimulate facial muscles and tighten the skin, potentially leading to a more contoured face.
Vata Neti

When to do it: Vata Neti can be practiced in the morning or before bedtime for relaxation.
How to do it: Place yourself down in a relaxed position. Focus on your breathing while closing your eyes. Deeply inhale through your nose and fully exhale through your mouth, generating a quiet “ha” sound. Allow your mental and physical health to relax by continuing to breathe deeply for a few minutes.
Benefits: Vata Neti is a yogic cleansing technique that involves rinsing the nasal passage with a long breath. It is believed to have various health benefits, including improving circulation to the face and promoting a healthy facial appearance.
It is always good and better to know your body and its need and start with the easier exercises, gradually progressing to the more challenging ones.
Infographic- Facial Yoga Do’s & Don’ts

FAQs [Frequently Asked Questions]
Q: How often should I perform these exercises?
A: For optimal results, it’s recommended to perform these exercises regularly. Try to aim for at least 3-4 times per week to see noticeable improvements in facial muscle tone and reduction of facial fat.
Q: Can these exercises completely eliminate facial fat?
A: While these exercises can help in toning and firming the facial muscles, it’s important to understand that spot reduction of fat is impossible. Facial fat reduction is a gradual process and requires a combination of overall body fat reduction through a healthy lifestyle along with targeted facial exercises.
Q: Are these exercises suitable for everyone?
A: Most people can benefit from these exercises, but it is always advisable to listen and know your body’s circumstances and consult with a healthcare professional. If you have any specific concerns or pre-existing conditions. Some exercises, like face slapping, should be done with caution and should not cause discomfort or pain.
Q: When can I expect the results?
A: Results can vary depending on individual factors such as genetics, body composition, and consistency in performing the exercises. It can take a few weeks or even months to see noticeable improvements. Patience and consistency are key.
Q: Can these exercises cause wrinkles or sagging?
A: When done correctly, these exercises should not cause wrinkles or sagging. In fact, some exercises can help improve circulation and muscle tone, which may contribute to a more youthful appearance. However, it’s important to perform the exercises mindfully and avoid excessive force or harsh movements.
Final Words
In the journey toward facial fat reduction, it’s important to approach it with patience, consistency, and a holistic approach. While exercises and techniques can help tone and firm the facial muscles, it is crucial to maintain a lifestyle that promotes health by combining a balanced diet with frequent exercise and good skin care. Remember, everyone’s body is unique, and results may vary. Embrace the process and focus on overall well-being rather than obsessing over immediate changes. Celebrate small milestones along the way and be kind to yourself.
Lastly, confidence and beauty come in various forms and sizes. Embrace your unique features and let your inner radiance shine through. Facial fat reduction exercises can be a part of your self-care routine but always prioritize your overall health and well-being above all else.